
Environment & Livelihood


Environment & Livelihood Programs

Candlelight has its separate natural resource management department that carries out the different environmental and livelihoods programs. The department is run by a team of experienced staff with multi-disciplinary skills, such as community trainings, soil and water conservation, gender mainstreaming in environmental activities, climate change, sustainable agriculture, energy etc.

Major areas of focus include:

  • Community trainings on climate change adaptation and environmental protection,
  • Training sustainable agriculture practices with provision of seeds, hand tools and farm tillage hours to resource poor farmers.
  • Training on fodder production and livestock management practices
  • Soil and water conservation techniques
  • Mainstreaming gender and environment
  • Promoting alternative energies
  • Roof water harvesting methods
  • Nurseries management and reforestation program
  • Construction and rehabilitation of water sources
  • Construction of sub-surface dams
  • Construction of shallow wells
  • Construction of feeder roads
  • Income generation/diversification activities with focus on pastoral and agro-pastoral communities. This includes bee-keeping trainings and material inputs, farmer’s assistance packages etc.
  • Research & documentation